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18 December 2015

Press release on the results of the European Blitz Championship.

Not all the chess players managed to get on time into Sport Palace, where The European Blitz Championship started. The organization commitee changed the schedule a bit to make it easier for the players to fit the game. Instead of the first round the Opening ceremony was held. Amazing dances of belorusian performers gave the participants and the guests of the Championship a boost of energy and enthusiasm. Then the minister of sports and tourism gave a welcoming speech. Afterwards the president of the European Chess Union Zurab Azmaiparashvili followed. Thanks to his sparkling humor the Opening ceremony will remain in all viewers’ memory as a very hearwarming and memorable one.
The Opening ceremony was also attended by the Minister of Youth Sport Affairs of Armenia Gabriel Ghazarian,the Vice Minister of Sport of Georgia Shalva Gagaladze,the  head of the Ministry of Sport of Georgia Irakli Garabalidze and many other officials of relevant ministries and agencies.
The start of the European Blitz Championship was attended by 607 participants from 28 countries. Among them were 51 grandmasters.

According to the preliminary data more than 1, 5 million views of the online-broadcast was fixed only on the official site of the Championship. The peculiarity of the championship was the commentaries on the games of the brilliant grandmaster Sergey Shipov and the Ukrainian grandmaster Evgeniy Miroshnichenko. A great number of the viewers visited Sport Palace where they had the opportunity to enjoy  the rounds of simultaneous play with grandmasters as well as the variety of souveniers.

To the fans’ and participants’ joy Kirsan Ilyumzhinov and Maksim Ruzhenkov, the First Vice-President, Assistant of the President of Belarus on physical education, sport and tourism, attended the playing area.

A few minutes ago the last round of the Championship finished.

The Final Results you can get here

Special prizes:

The best woman:
The 1st prize: Gunina Valentina
The 2nd prize: Rogule Laura

The best veteran of 1955 year of birth and older:
The 1st prize: Balashov Yuri
The 2nd prize: Veremechik Vladimir

The 1st prize: Ladva Ottomar
The 2nd prize: Zakharsov Vladimir

The 1st prize: Badelka Olga
The 2nd prize: Narva Mai

The 1st prize: Gurvich Vitaly
The 2nd prize: Shevchenko Kirill

The 1st prize: Maltsevskaya Aleksandra
The 2nd prize: Dolbieva Ksenia

The 1st prize: Suleymanli Aydin
The 2nd prize: Makoveev Ilya

The 1st prize: Zeliantsova Ksenia
The 2nd prize: Krichei Viktoria

The best player with the rate < 1600 or without it: Kliza Igor
The best player with the rate < 1800: Filimonau Dzmitry
The best player with the rate 2000: Kovalevsky Stanislaw
The best player with the rate < 2200: Psyk Radoslav
The best player with the rate < 2400: Sarana Alexey
The best belarusian player: Kovalev Vladislav
The best belarusian veteran: Mochalov Evgeny
The best belarusian woman: Eidelson Rakhil
The best belarusian youngster of 1997 year of birth and younger: Kazakovskiy Valeri
The best belarusian girl of 1997 year of birth and younger: Beineson Katerina
The best belarusian youngster of  2001 year of birth and younger: Hrybchuk Kiryl
The best belarusian girl of 2001 year of birth and younger: Szczerbacewicz Nastasia
The best belarusian youngster of  2005 year of birth and younger: Silich Yahor
The best belarusian girl of 2005 year of birth and younger: Shaban Aliaksandra

All the photos of the first day of the championship are here: